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The gay guy's guide to the perfect blow job

bare chested man

Girls, if you want to know to give a blow job, ask a gay man. Here are my six tips on how to, literally, blow him away:

1) Lose the political correctness

Giving head is an act of worship to your man's proudest feature. You may think it's demeaning to get on your knees, but remember who's holding the balls!

2) Retract your teeth

A man getting oral sex is sexually powerful yet utterly vulnerable. Being reminded of your ability to bite will do nothing to help him rise to the occasion - especially if you're giving head after a row.

3) Take it slowly

No need to leap on his penis like it's your first meal since Lent. Slowly does it. Lick it like a lollipop, occasionally darting your tongue into the hole at the end, before moving away and using your hands for a bit. This also lessens jaw ache later!

4) Don't forget his balls

Lap at them, cup them, maybe even take one gently into your mouth - but remember this is the most sensitive zone. No chewing on them gobstopper-stylee.

5) Be gentle

Think lapping a milkshake, not sucking like a Dyson.

6) Enjoy it

And if you don't, pretend you do, or don't do it at all. Men may be sex-hungry but most can do without someone orally exploring us while tutting and checking their watch.

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