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Just Love Safe: The Sex Survey 2011!

JLS sex survey article image
Durex has launched what it hopes will be the biggest ever survey into the sexual habits of the nation. Everyone who takes part has the chance to win one of 10 iPads or the opportunity to meet the UK's biggest boy band, JLS, with whom Durex launched the Just Love Safe range of condoms. Fancy dinner with the JLS? Er, yes please! For a chance to win, go to - and you'll also be helping shape a picture of the UK's sex habits.

The partnership between the UK's biggest boy band and the world's leading condom brand continues as JLS and Durex launch a safer sex message during National Condom Week 2011, which runs from 16-22 May 2011.

The band, which last year partnered with Durex to launch the Durex Just Love Safe range of condoms, will be spearheading the campaign which aims to promote safer sex amongst the 16+ generation. National Condom Week is an annual initiative aimed at promoting safer sex and therefore improving the sexual health of the nation - pretty important when you think that the UK has the highest rates of STIs and teenage pregnancies in Europe, and that almost one in five girls say they have been pregnant at least once by the age of 18. In Britain last year, two-thirds of new STI diagnoses were in women under 25 and of all the under 24s diagnosed with an STI last year, around one in 10 will become reinfected within a year.

You can help make a difference and raise awareness by completing the survey - and even win an amazing prize at the same time - result!
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