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How to silence your inner prude

Banish bedroom skittish-ness and say hello to hot sex!

By Clare Gill
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How to silence your inner prude

sex, sex tips, sex advice, inner prude, being prudish, stop being a prude, hot sex, sex and relationships How to silence your inner prude You want to be a sex goddess. Damn it, you are a sex goddess. If only your inner prude didn’t keep rearing its ugly little head. Here’s how to silence it once and for all...\r\n

Talking dirty

sex, sex tips, sex advice, inner prude, being prudish, stop being a prude, hot sex, sex and relationships, talking dirty talking dirty Inner prude says: Why would the words\r\n‘throbbing love machine’ leave my mouth?

\r\nEmily Dubberly (author of Friendly\r\nFetish, £9.99, Piatkus) says: “They don’t have to. Find out\r\nbeforehand if there are any words that\r\nturn him off. Then talk softly, lower the\r\ntone of your voice [newsreaders all have\r\ndeep voices, think Moira Stewart... OK,\r\nmaybe don’t think Moira Stewart], start\r\nwith something tame, telling him what\r\nyou’d like to do to every inch of his body.\r\nAnd don’t be afraid to pause, letting his\r\nmind race to what you might say next.”\r\n


sex, sex tips, sex advice, inner prude, being prudish, stop being a prude, hot sex, sex and relationships striptease \r\nInner prude says: I’ll get my head stuck\r\nin my dress.

\r\nEmily says: “To avoid embarrassment\r\nwhen performing a striptease, have a glass\r\nof wine (but no more than one – tripping\r\nover the furniture is not a strong look),\r\nthen spend a few minutes ‘getting into\r\ncharacter’. Imagine you really are\r\nperforming a striptease – you can even\r\nmentally give yourself a striptease name\r\n(see Practise\r\nbeforehand, making sure you can easily\r\nget out of what you’re wearing.”\r\n

Role play

sex, sex tips, sex advice, inner prude, being prudish, stop being a prude, hot sex, sex and relationships, role play role play Inner prude says: I wasn’t that good\r\nat GCSE drama... And it never involved\r\npretending to be a ‘very naughty girl’.

\r\nEmily says: “If you feel shy about role\r\nplay, start with something simple,\r\nlike pretending you are work colleagues\r\nseducing each other. That way you don’t\r\nneed to imagine a character that’s too far\r\naway from your normal life, which will\r\nmake it easier to stay in character. If you\r\ndo fi nd yourself giggling, just go with it\r\n– laughter is a great way to bond with\r\nyour partner – and then go back to the\r\nrole play or just get down to good oldfashioned\r\nsex. Role play is about having\r\nfun – not taking yourself too seriously.”\r\n

Sex toys

sex, sex tips, sex advice, inner prude, being prudish, stop being a prude, hot sex, sex and relationships sex toys \r\nInner prude says: I brandish a vibrator,\r\nhe thinks ‘total nymph’.

\r\nEmily says: “For a great beginner’s sex\r\ntoy, check out Fun Factory’s mini-vibes –\r\nthey’re relatively small, so your partner\r\nwon’t obsess that you want a toy that’s\r\nbigger than him. The Layaspot (£43,\r\n ) is a great vibe to\r\nuse with your partner, too, as its shape\r\nmakes it easy to hold in your palm and\r\npress against yourself during sex without\r\nit getting in the way.” \r\n

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