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Quiz! Is your man into you?

To celebrate the release of 500 Days of Summer on Blu-ray and DVD, take relationship guru Catherine Townsend's quick quiz to find out if your man's a keeper or strictly in the short-term category!

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1. You have a huge crush on a guy you’ve recently met. How does he act around you?
He listens intently to everything you say, and agrees with all of your opinions
He gets nervous, laughs a lot and always makes excuses to be around you
He’s pretty relaxed—he keeps his arms crossed waits for you to come to him
He looks you up and down as if he wants to eat you—the same treatment he gives every girl
2. You’re now going out- Congratulations! What does your average dinner date consist of?
A lovely candlelit meal at a romantic restaurant
Whatever is on the board at his local pub
Liquid lunch followed by afternoon delight
Dinner? You don’t even see him before midnight...
3. How does he introduce you to his friends?
‘my girlfriend’
‘your name’, while squeezing your arm in an obvious PDA
‘my friend’ , while looking around the room
You haven’t met his friends. In fact, you’re starting to wonder whether he’s some sort of serial killer
4. How often is he in contact?
He calls every day, sometimes several times, to hear your voice
He calls or texts at least a few times a week, and he’s the one making most of the calls
You are making most of the calls, and he takes a couple of days to return them
He turns off his phone for days on end. You talk to his voicemail more than him
5. You flirt with a friend from work, and he’s sending you mixed signals. So one night, down at the pub, you lunge toward him. Does he:
Grab you passionately and take you home?
Kiss you back?
Kiss you back, but then push you away and blame the booze the next day?
Run screaming?
6. It’s been a couple of months. How many of your friends/family has he met?
He’s on a first-name basis with your dad and your best friend loves him
He’s making an effort and getting to know the key people in your social circle
He’s been out with your friends once or twice, but to be honest you have spent a lot more time with his pals
Zero. They have heard so many horrible things about him that he may have to change his name before he gets introduced!
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