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Quiz! Are you a shoe-a-holic?

Are shoes a necessity or are they a piece of art? Do you hear Jimmy Choo or Jimmy... Who?! Well we’re about to find out... So dust off your stilettos and put your thinking caps on. It’s the ultimate Company shoe quiz!

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1. We all dream of owning a pair of gorgeous Louboutins, and we all like to think we know our fashion stuff. But can you name the colour of their famous soles?
2. In the hit television show Sex and The City, our favourite fashionista and shoe fanatic Carrie Bradshaw once quoted that she “will literally be the old woman who...”
“Married her shoes”
“Lived in her shoes”
“Bought every shoe in New York”
3. We all like to spend a lot on shoes, but it really is a whooping amount of pennies that we shoe-loving women spend in a lifetime to keep our feet looking beautiful. You might want to be sitting down before you take a look at the digits... can you guess the correct number?
4. Don’t get us wrong, we love our heels, but could we really wear them all day, every day? This woman could! Can you guess the heel-loving celeb who claims to not own even one pair of flats?
Victoria Beckham
Mariah Carey
Angelina Jolie
5. In a traditional nursery rhyme, one lucky person actually lived in a shoe! Wow, how amazing would that be! But who was it?
An old woman
A young girl
A young boy
6. How high are the world’s highest heels? Even though we love our heels we are struggling to understand who would possibly put themselves through the agony of wearing such skyscrapers...
8.4 inches - Ouch
10.5 inches – Eeeek!
12.2 inches – Yikes!!
7. We couldn’t imagine going out without wearing our stiletto’s now, but believe it or not there was a time before they existed! When was ‘the stiletto’ born?
The 1920’s
The 1950’s
The 1960’s
8. Falling down on the catwalk is possibly the most humiliating thing that could happen to a model thanks to those sky-high heels, even if it does give the rest of us a few guilty laughs. Go on, admit it, we all do it! Which one of these lucky girls hasn’t felt that burning shame however?
Lily Cole
Agyness Deyn
Naomi Campbell
9. The iconic Doctor Marten’s celebrate their birthday this year. Happy Birthday DM! Can you guess how old they are?
10. One lucky woman, Imelda Marcos, owns the world’s largest shoe collection that has even made it into The Guinness Book of Records. Jealous! What is the mind-boggling number that she’s managed to rack up?
Over 1,000
Over 2,000
Over 3,000
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