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How To Create Your LinkedIn Page

How To Create Your LinkedIn Page


It's like the professional version of Facebook, but many of us aren't that clued-up on how to use LinkedIn. But get it right, and you could bag your dream job! Here's how to do it...


You are seven times more likely to be viewed if you have aprofile picture, so get it right! Use a professional headshot, with just head and shoulders. Not one where you chopped off someone who had their arm around you.

Think of this as your professional status update. Just designed a new clothing range? Or written an e-book? Write a mini blast out to you contacts. Activity Status is a great way for freelancers to stay on the radar with clients.

Complete your profile fully- it should 100 % complete, from former jobs to current skills. LinkedIn members who have at least one past position listed are 12 times more likely to come higher in potential employers searches.


See this as that interview question: tell the world about yourself. Don't cut and paste your CV. Write short bullet points of copy and add visuals. This could be a recent photoshoot, PDFs of work you’re proud of, or even a picture of something you’ve made.
Skills & Expertise 

List your skills- and really shout them from the rooftop. Keywords of things you’re trained in like ‘Final Cut Pro’ or ‘Microsoft Excel’ make it easier for you to appear in search results.

Distinguish yourself from the crowd by getting strong recommendations and endorsements from former colleagues. They will highlight your strengths.

Have a minimum of 50, but remember it’s not a numbers game- it’s quality, not quantity. Only add people you know or have worked with.

Join groups in your professional field-ie LinkedIn for journalists is filled with great contacts, case studies, and digital training.

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