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Forget Speed Dating, It’s All About The Wheel Of Date



Ever thought someone should come up with a new way to date that was a bit more spontaneous? Well someone has! is dating site with a difference, instead of selecting candidates by profile, you chose by activity, making it a more all round fun experience.

So with that in mind Doing Something have teamed up with in-the-know London events specialists Time Out, to put on a dating event like no other.

Thursday 28 Feb will see the EDF Energy London Eye for one night only turned into a wheel of dating fun!  Each of the 32 capsules will house a different random activity.

Singletons are allocated a surprise capsule on arrival. The full line up of events are hush hush but daters could be doing anything from dancing in a silent disco, taking part in a ‘cultural assault course’, getting some furry action (not what you think) in a petting zoo or possibly shouting BINGO! All within the 30 min ride taking in the beautiful views of the city.

Tickets are £49 each, available online at and includes a 3-month membership to the site plus the awesome after party taking place in The Old Vic Tunnels.

Current capsule-partners include: Future Cinema, Café Kick, Guilty Pleasure and Silent Disco UK, Lucky Voice, The Comedy Store, The Black Cat Cabaret, Musical Bingo with Jess Indeedy and The Book Club. So sign up and see what you get!


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