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Selling on eBay: Our Top Tips!



We’ve all been there – your wardrobe’s overflowing, you have more shoes than there are days in the year (gulp) and your bank account looks distinctly empty.

If you need a clear out and some extra cash, it’s time to get selling on eBay. Use this step-by-step guide to make the most of your unwanted wares…

Step 1 – Create a great listing

Take plenty of photos of your item, making sure they’re clear and in focus. When writing a description, be honest and provide as much detail as you can.

Step 2 – Think about keywords

Use searchable words in your auction title – ‘Zara brown leather brogues size 8/41’ is better than ‘brown brogues’

Step 3 – If you want a good price, add a reserve

If you’re selling something of value and don’t want it to go for pennies, choose a minimum price you’d be happy to sell it for and add that as a reserve.

Step 4 – Schedule your auctions to end at key times

Set your auction to end on Sunday evening – it’ll be top of the search results during one of eBay’s busiest times.


Top eBay tips

- Don’t go crazy on the postage – buyers are put off by high postage costs, so make it free or keep it low

- Answer questions quickly and always be polite and professional with buyers

- Think about the weather – don’t sell a faux fur coat in July!

- Don’t post until you’ve received payment – make sure it’s cleared before you send anything out.

Happy selling!

- Jen Holmes (

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