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We Heart Tuesdays: A Tatt Too Much?

After X Factor's Frankie revealed his bot covered in girls names on this weekend's show, we’ve been chatting at Comp HQ about whether a tattoo is a great declaration of love - or a mistake waiting to happen?

I have no tattoos but that doesn't mean I'm against them - in fact, I’ve been known to love them (especially on men!). What I do have an issue with, however, is getting a BIG tattoo of your lover's name across your arm or chest for all the world to see. Yes, it may be a permanent declaration of love - but it can also be one of the biggest mistakes of love you'll ever make.

Take Katie Price for example; what was once a romantic show of love for her now ex-hubbie Peter Andre, is now an ugly reminder of her now EX-husband. Unfortunately, Miss Price has refused to learn from her mistakes... we’ve all seen the Leo tattoo on her ankle!

It's not just Miss Price though, tattoos seem to be the norm for celebrities. Angelina Jolie got a 'Billy Bob', Johnny Depp got that famous 'Winona Forever', Paris Hilton was marked with a Backstreet Boy, and Megan Fox got an intimate 'Brian'.

All these celebs (bar Meg who is still with Brian) have had their tats lasered away, covered or changed. Luckily for them, they can afford to have them removed or changed - tattoos costs from £300 to be removed.

So if you're thinking of getting his name permanently etched on your body, stop and think to yourself how many times you think you've met 'the one' and think how many names there would now be on your body - a la cheeky X Factor chappy Frankie and his inked bottom!

How would you feel if every time you saw your naked boyfriend you were confronted with his ex? And equally, how he would he feel to see another man's name inked on you forever?

Is it really worth the risk? Let us know your thoughts by commenting below.

By Karine Le-Blanc
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