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We Heart Tuesdays: Couples Christmas, sweet or WAY to serious?

With Caroline Flack rumoured to be spending some the holiday season at mummy Styles house, in a bid to win over the fam (and the fans), 'Harryline' look set for a couple's Christmas. While Kirsten Stewart and RPatz - who have been dating for over a year- are rumoured to be spending Xmas apart, with their families, on separate sides of the Atlantic. And rejoining for a New Year together (awww!).

So when IS the right time to invite your man into the family Christmas fold? This year my boyfriend's Brazilian parents are leaving little Britain behind for balmy beaches, so (partly by default) he is Christmas-ing with me and my lot. I'm excited for our first Christmas together, but, also a little nervous (sorry boyf!!). His family Christmas includes a civilised canapés and champagne at breakfast, while my family are clambering in our pyjamas to open presents at 8am, despite the total absence of any kids.

Christmas day is personal to you and your family, so does having your plus-1 around the table for lunch could feel a bit, well... odd? And if you decide to take the plunge and have a couple's Christmas, whose Christmas do you choose?

A friend lives with her boyfriend all year-round, but when it comes to Christmas, neither would ever 'abandon' their family, so they spend the day of cheer at opposite ends of the country - both admit they will really miss each other, but they would miss their family Christmas more.

They're not alone, Company's Features Editor has been married for 15 years but yet her and her husband still spend the big day (or at least a bit of it) apart. She says:"I've got such a small family I would rather spend a couple of hours away from my husband than miss out on my family Christmas dinner. So we go to my partner's parent's house for Christmas morning, open presents there, then I nip over to my parents for dinner and he joins me later." Sounds complicated! But when it comes to Christmas it's never simple.

Another friend has it lucky; her and the boyf of seven years come from the same town so on Christmas day they zip between two family homes to eat two Christmas feasts, one at lunch and one at dinner. No family is left out of, the only downside being that Christmas can turn into a bit of a and waist-stretching affair.

So would you split your day between your family and your man's? Or do you always put family first at Christmas? Or do you dream of running away with your boyf to a secluded log cabin and have him, and the turkey, all to yourself?

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By Katherine Button
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