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We Heart Tuesdays: How to deal with your man’s insecurities

Women's lives are full of niggling insecurities that we have managed to package-up and push to the back of our minds on a daily basis. Some of us worry about our weight, our careers and failing friendships, but what happens if your man is equally as insecure?

Here at Company HQ we were surprised to hear that Wayne Rooney has had a hair transplant to boost his locks. His insecurity obviously led him to take drastic (and expensive) action to feel better in his own skin. Maybe it's a good thing that the men in our lives have similar worries to us - if they were 100% confident 24/7 we would be driven mad by the arrogance that would undoubtedly seep through into their conversation!

We think that a man with a FEW insecurities is great. Of course, we wouldn’t want anyone to be sobbing into their pillow at night but knowing your boyfriend has worries surely means he will be able to relate to your beach-body concerns?

But what if his insecurities start to get in the way of a great relationship? One Company staffer recalls a boyfriend who was so obsessed with his beer belly that he became a diet devotee, refusing to eat out or keep dairy products in the fridge. The problem is that any hard-line approaches to tackle his insecurities could just make him feel worse, so what’s the solution?

We have separated into two camps in the Company office. Some are arguing for the more direct approach by telling him you know what's bothering him and suggesting he takes action (a la Wayne Rooney) to curb his insecurities and make him happier in the long-run. On the other hand, a few think the best approach is a subtle one. They recommend bags of encouragement to show that you love him no matter what. Instead of drawing attention to his doubts show that you don’t really mind his slight beer belly, receding hair-line or lack of a six-pack.

Some men have insecurities that are based on more than just their physical appearance. One of my girlfriends spent a year struggling to deal with her man's bad moods which became a full time occupation. She loved him dearly but it was only when the relationship ended that she realised how difficult life had been for both of them. Maybe what’s required is a mini-assessment of your boyfriend’s worries. Every woman has a different insecurity so it stands to reason that every man will too. Do your best to figure out what’s wrong and help him to overcome his issues... it will probably make your relationship stronger.

What do you think about men’s insecurities and have you experienced a similar situation? We would love your opinions so get in touch below...

By Sarah Jordan
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