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We Heart Tuesdays: Is it in his kiss?

I’m sure you’ve all been there; you start dating a new HOT guy and your lips are continually locked, but as time goes on you kiss less and less and before you know it there's hardly any smooching time.

The British Heart Foundation have released a survey saying one in five married couples often go through a whole week without kissing one another and that long term couples aged 18-24 only kissed on average 11 times a week (that’s barely more than one a day!). So what happens to a kiss good morning, goodbye and goodnight - not to mention a bit of lip TLC in-between?

Kissing was an important thing back in school. We saw it in films, on TV, in music videos so we imitated it. There was kiss chase in the playground, spin the bottle at school discos and it would spread like wild fire if a girl and boy planned to snog after school and, weirder yet, everyone would gather round to watch. Back then, kissing was one of the first rites of passage into adulthood. If you hadn't kissed a boy by the time you were 16, you were basically classed a loser.

When you start dating a new guy you kiss a lot more because it's exhilarating and it's the closest you can get without hopping straight into bed. You always know a new couple when you see them PDAing on the street, on a bus, in the corner of club (absolutely bloody everywhere!). We've all seen the continual smooching of loves young dream Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez in the papers.

One of the feature girls at Company HQ says "I love dating someone new and having that feeling you just never want to stop kissing them. It’s the best. But it can't last forever!"

But why not? Could it be after all those years of playing tonsil tennis, our lips get bored? Do we lose that initial adrenaline rush that comes at the beginning of a relationship or because, like most things in life, kissing becomes routine, you know after lip nibbling comes tongue wrestling.

Another Company staffer said "If you're only kissing once a week then you might as well call it a day" while another argued "It can get too claustrophobic and smothering if it’s everyday!"

Studies at a New York Uni showed that kissing was a woman's way of assessing a potential partner, and way of checking the status of relationship whilst men placed less importance on it than we do. If you’re married then you no longer need to asses that partner and your relationship is pretty much secure. Is this another reason why the kissing stops? But what we worry about is if we're only kissing once a week, how often are we having sex? Surely a big and intimate part of sex is kissing. It almost always starts with kissing, you kiss during it and it’s only polite to kiss afterwards as a reassuring thank you. But if these couples are only kissing on average once a week does that mean also that sex is now down to once a week? Is this why people say sex stops after marriage - because the kissing stops? So this week think about the last time you kissed your boyfriend? If you see a declining pattern, then grab him and pucker up!! And if that is still not enough to get you locking lips, did you know a real passionate kiss burns up to 6.4 calories a minute. What you waiting for...?

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By Karine Le-Blanc
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