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We Heart Tuesdays: Does age really matter?

This Tuesday at Company HQ, we're looking at age gaps in relationships and whether or not they can work realistically or are just numbers on a piece of paper. Comment and let us know if you have been with someone younger or older than you and how it worked out...

In light of the news that X Factor's 24-year-old Rebecca is dating Zayn, who’s just 18, it got us thinking. Their relationship is going well (well at least so far), so we’ve been discussing does age really matter? And why is it becoming more acceptable for women to date younger men?

According to the BBC stats, back in 2000 the norm was a two year age gap – with the guy always the older of the two - but with Hollywood celebs like Demi Moore and Madonna marring men around ten years younger (well, Madonna and Jesus were twenty eight years apart) – it's becoming more and more of the norm.

But even if celebs can make a whopping age gap work the real question is, can we? My close friend Lizzy started seeing a man about twenty years older than her - he looked good for his age and she like his mature attitude to life, but ultimately they were from two completely different generations – he liked the Beatles she was into Take That – so the relationship didn’t make it past a year.

I could relate having dated someone who was older (even thought it was considerably less than seven years). We had great chemistry at first and enjoyed each other's company until it became clear that he was starting to think about having a family whereas I definitely wasn't anywhere near ready to settle down and play wife.

Overall we decided a relationship with an age gap can work as long as both sides make the commitment and try to understand each other's perspective on important issues. You don't need to be the same, just try to learn from the beginning what each side wants and is looking for in a partner. Surely that's the success to any healthy relationship? Be aware breaking the mould isn't always easy and you may end up hurt when you discover you want different things!

What do you think? Let us know your success and disaster stories or any tips on how to make the age gap work...

By Anna-Lisa Searle
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