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Dating Tips from the Essex Crew (even Mark!)

Dating tips from the Essex Crew (even Mark!)
Oh my gaaaaad... Everything you need for a good old Essex night out is revealed by the TOWIE stars themselves, you lucky things. The Essex ambassadors have teamed up with Playstation 3’s new release Dancestar Party to give us their hot tips on getting ready, seductive dance floor moves and next-day texting protocol. Your team of advisors includes Lauren Goodger, Mark Wright, Lydia Bright, Debbie, James Argent, Gemma Collins and the one and only Nanny Pat. So get out your pen and paper and start taking notes...

1. Always wear lots of bronzer and make-up! (Gemma Collins) 2. Make sure your hair has big bouncy curls, lots of back combing and use of hair spray (Lydia Bright) 3. Look glamorous at all times (Lauren Goodger 4. Wear big heels – (Lauren Goodger) 5. Wear lots of lip gloss (Lauren Goodger) 6. Wear big knickers to keep your bum in! (Gemma Collins) 7. Wear tight T-Shirts to show off your guns (Mark Wright) 8. You’ve got to let your hair down! (Debbie) 9. When you dance, pout and pose, you never know whose looking (Lydia Bright) 10. Wait at least two days before you text after meeting (Mark Wright)

Released on October 21st, Playstation 3’s Dancestar Party allows you to channel your inner-diva, singing and dancing your heart out to your favourite tunes alongside the stars that made them famous. You can devise your own ‘reem’ routines whilst singing along to your favourite songs or use the live feed to judge your performances alongside those of your friends. And just to make us even more ‘jeal’ our Essex team have been magically transported into the game for a one-off day as dance stars.

Before you tell us to shaaat up check out the video below to find out who wins the TOWIE dance-off...

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