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Company Fashion Forum London: Highlights!

fashion forum


Last night we held our second sold out Fashion Forum event in association with New Look - a panel discussion and Q&A to help and inspire people seeking a career in fashion!

Our fab panel consisted of:

Kathryn Kenny – New Look – Senior Digital Content Manager
Nicola Panayiotou – New Look - Senior PR Officer
Victoria White - Company Magazine's Editor
Oonagh Brennan - Company's Associate Editor Fashion
Angela Scanlon - TV Presenter/Stylist
Emily Johnston – Blogger at Fashion Foie Gras

The event was a huge success, with each of our panel sharing their wisdom and advice from each of their varied career paths! If you're from the North, there's still time to snap up tickets for our Manchester Fashion Forum next week.

Here are the snaps from the night and the key quotes from our panel...

All the attendees mingled over some free bubbly before the panel discussion!

There were heaps of stylish girls on the night - check out our Fashion Forum Street Style!

The panel

We held the event in The Hackney Picture House cinema! It had the comfiest seats ever...

One of the stylish attendees getting in on the Q&A action...

All of the guests left with a packed goodybag, including: Popchips, Lipcote, Ultimo Tan voucher, Gold By Giles make up from New Look, Right Guard Deodorant, Batiste Dry Shampoo, Colour Xtreme Hairspray, Nail Art Tattoos, DHC Cleansing Oil, VO5 Frizz Free Cream, Spabreaks Voucher & Helen E Cosmetics!


Here are some of the key pearls of wisdom from the night...


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