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Our Coolest Places To Go In New York!

Stay: Hotel Americano

This sleek, stylish, 56-room hotel is the new crash pad for the fash-pack (expect to see fash photographers and models in the lobby). Rooms are minial and chic with have huge windows showing the view of the High Line (take an am stroll in this gorgeous park before the crowds). Guests will find iPads filled with insider tips to local restaurants, bars, galleries and shops in their rooms, as well as Manhattan-made Bowery Bikes in the lobby to use when exploring.Room service options include Mexican treats and scrummy sushi. But the highlight of this hotel is of course the rooftop pool and bar where you can mingle with other stylish guests while sipping on a Manhattan. Hôtel Americano, 518 West 27th Street, Chelsea, New York ( Doubles from $375

Drink: Barrio Chino

It’s not Indepence Day without a margarita (any excuse right?!) . This is a whole in the wall place is a local's fave. The fresh lime margaritas, and the jalapeno margaritas seriously rock. The bar tenders are fit men with tats, and the place pumps R&B. Expect it to be rammed, but well worth the wait at the bar. Company staffer Carlene even had her birthday there last year.

Shop: Brooklyn Flea

Nothing beats a July summer’s day like a stroll through a a great vintage market. Find this one outside in Fort Greene on Saturdays and Williamsburg on Sundays with everything from vintage jewels, designer garms, bikes and retro furniture is . Foodies, take note: Both locations feature plenty of edibles, from sorbet to the best fish tacos. EVER.

Eat: Red Rooster Harlem

Nothing says July 4th like fried chicken. But you wont find any KFC-esque boxes at this Harlem haunt (it’s worth the subway trip!). Instead expect to feast on ‘fried yard bird’, which is soaked in buttermilk, seized in a crispy crust, and servedwith spicy collard greens, gravy, and can of spicy ‘shake’ seasoning on the side. Other home-cooked favorites from Stockholm include gravlax and Swedish meatballs with Harlem necessities mac and cheese and oxtail stew. The chef is so good he prepped the first state dinner of the Obama administration. Our only advice? Leave the diet at home.

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