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Having a blast at Snowbombing!

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"It's official then - Company at Snowbombing consists of nothing but amazingness!! Mix an exclusive and private set from Mark Ronson in the mountains with ski lessons from Eddie the Eagle and you have recipe for the! In Mayrhofen, the sun is shining, the snow is... er still there, and nothing beats raving in the mountains. On the first night we danced in the streets at the royal wedding themed street party, then headed to racket club for a set by DJ Yoda and then 2 many DJs (which involved lots of fancy dress and jaegerbombs)!

Then highlight of the night was heading up to the arctic disco, where Fat Boy Slim performed to a lucky 300 people in an igloo! Yes, an igloo!! Then it was back down the mountain and straight to the raquette club for Example and Chase & Status. Friday has involved a bit more ski-ing with Eddie the Eagle and then tonight is all about the Prodigy - We're off to the forest and its going to be immense. Then later its Fat Boy Slim again (he's staying in our hotel, how showbiz)!

This really is one of the coolest festivals - and I'm not just talking about the snow. Great atmosphere, amazing acts - and snowing almost makes you think you're being healthy while partying! I will definitely be returning to Snowbombing next year!!"

'Here's me with Eddie the Eagle - what a legend!'

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