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Use the service the next time you're looking for a room for a few days while traveling, or if you have a spare room and are looking for an easy way to earn some cash.

Its perfect as you  can do one of two things - either earn some money from your spare room by letting it out for a few days or even a week or more - or if they you are going away, to NYC (or Paris) for example can stay cheaply in a fully vetted really cool apartment for a fraction of the price of a hotel - and really experience a slice of true city life

How it works...

The hosts create profiles with descriptions and photos of their apartments, and they list the dates when their place will be available.

Guests search by date, number of bedrooms, and type of dwelling (share, apartment, or house), and all the places available at that time pop up.


Once a guest has chosen a place, he or she contacts the host, and they communicate about details, all via Roomorama. Very safe and very secure.
For more information check out

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