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Hello World: Win a scholarship to America!

As COMPANY readers wil know, we are in the midst of our 'Hello World' campaign, encouraging you lot to get out there and see the world - from charity treks to extended breaks, professional gap years to working abroad, we want young women to go on adventures!

If you don't have a trip currently planned, then not-for-profit organisation, BUNAC, is offering individuals who would like to take part in one of its North American work exchange programmes in 2011 the chance to win up to £1,000 towards their costs,courtesy of the Green Cheese Scholarships.

In order to qualify for one of three £1,000 scholarships, interested candidates simply have to submit an original and humorous piece of writing about a travel related topic before 11th February to Anyone who has already booked and paid for their place on a 2011 BUNAC programme can also take part and will be reimbursed £1,000 towards their costs, if they are one of the lucky winners.

Introduced in honour of Howard Crew, General Secretary of BUNAC for 25 years, the unique nature of the Green Cheese Scholarships reflects his personality and sense of humour.

All BUNAC's programmes give participants time to travel and visit places of interest during their stay and include Volunteer USA, where students spend between eight and 12 weeks in America, helping with conservation projects in some of the country's most spectacular national parks, forests and wilderness areas.

If working on a typical American summer camp holds the most appeal, BUNAC offers Summer Camp USA for skilled jobs as Camp Counsellors, as well as KAMP USA for support workers such as kitchen hands.

Other alternatives give participants the chance to take up an internship or summer job in the US for four months on the Work America programme, or spend up to a year working and travelling in Canada.

Entries to the Green Cheese Scholarship may be anything up to 1,500 words in length and prizes are awarded according to the originality, presentation and content of the writing, with imagination and wit being key.

Winners will be notified before the end of February 2011. The value of the prize cannot be taken in cash or credited to any other use.

For further information about BUNAC's North American programmes, visit or telephone 020 7251 3448.
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