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Ibiza on Ice - The Big Snow rocks!!

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Imagine 1,000 up-for-it party people dancing in a snow storm at the top of a mountain and you'll get some idea of what went down at the Big Snow festival this week. The Company team have de-camped to Arinsal, Andorra to put on their first ever apres-ski party because we just couldn't wait for the summer festival season to start.

The biggest gig of the week took place at 2055 metres where Eddy Temple Morris, Goldie, Devlin and Fresh took to the decks under a snow dome as the white stuff swirled around and smoke and lights lit up the pistes. The crowd didn't stop dancing, gradually stripping off ski jackets, scarves, woolly hats and fleeces until one crazy boarder was jumping around in his pants... at -10 degrees. Yep this is HARDCORE!

We caught up with Goldie over a mulled wine (actually he was sipping tea) who said he loves playing winter festivals because the crowd never fails to get involved. He also loves boarding and wished he didn't have to head straight back to London so he could take those gold teeth of his down the mountain (he was also wearing a pretty impressive fistful of gold rings). He told us his wife loves Company and although he hasn't kept up the dancing since Strictly he's been keeping fit with regular Bikram yoga sessions near Company's HQ. Oh and when it comes to music and fashion he's not surprised his jungle tunes are being re-discovered and his daughter loves his old Stussy and Savage Tees because anything decent comes round again.

The party continued until 4am in Arinsal village and there were A LOT of sore heads on the slopes today - but hey there's no better hangover cure than hurling yourself down a mountain! Keep posted for behind the scenes action at the rest of the big parties and a chat with Company fave Example. Plus all the goss from the Company reader’s apres-ski pampering party!

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