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Six things you need to know about Nash Grier


1. He has ridiculous social media stats.

Vine: 8.8 million (he’s referred to as “the King of Vine” on his website)

YouTube: 3.2 million subscribers to his Nash Grier channel

Twitter: 2.87 million followers

Facebook: 2.2 million likes

Instagram: 6 million (which is more than One Direction have!)


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2. He became famous on Vine... for his short, funny, upbeat vids, often featuring his friends or sister, Skylynn.

Within 3 weeks of joining Vine he had over 100,000 followers.


3. He has boy-band good looks.

Floppy hair, piercing blue eyes and an Instagram feed full brooding portraits equal thousands upon thousands of emoji heart comments and offering up of phone numbers.


4. He’s not without controversy.

Sexism and homophobia allegations have plagued him, especially recently. A previously deleted Vine resurfaced where he makes a homophobic slur over a sexual health video. An internet backlash ensued. Grier posted an apology on Twitter saying that he was, "Young, ignorant, stupid, and in a bad place. I've moved on and learned from my mistakes and I am so truly sorry to anyone I have offended."


5. He has his own merchandise.

Merchandise! T-shirts, track pants and crop tops, all Nash Grier branded, can be yours.

Products available on


6. The future? Nash Grier: The Movie?

He’s been working with Awesomeness TV on longer, edited vids on his YouTube channel compared to his earlier Vines. There are rumours  too that Grier and his friend Cameron Dallas have accepted a movie deal with Awesomeness TV to star in their own film.


Best Practice Guide: How To Improve Your YouTube Channel


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