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#Read It and Tweet: May 2013



Ask yourself, how many really good books have you read in the last year? We don’t mean kinda-liked-it good, but brilliant-can’t-stop-thinking-about-it good. Exactly! And with so-called 'chick-lit' sales down 10% in the last year, it seems female authors are no longer being taken seriously.

We reckon that’s unfair – because so many brilliant novels are written by women. In our #readitandtweet campaign, we want you to seek a world outside books with pink covers...

So in our #readitandtweet guide to fab books written by women, Company staffers, and some other familiar faces, share the novels they've loved.

Even better, all of these books are available on the iBookstore too! Tweet @companymagazine your own recommendations using #readitandtweet and join our mission to let the world know about the amazing world of female fiction – it’s chick lit, but not as you know it!


Mrs Weber’s Omnibus by Posy Simmonds

Summer Camp singer, Elizabeth Sankey: “I’m currently all over this book.  It deals with everything from relationships to what’s best to serve at a liberal dinner party. It is charming, intelligent, witty and wonderful!”


Buy Mrs Weber’s Omnibus from Amazon here


Never Google Heartbreak by Emma Garcia


This debut novel from Emma Garcia is a masterclass in heart restoration. When protagonist Viv Summers gets dumped she sets up a self-help website for the fellow broken-hearted. This book is a classic with a modern twist.


Buy Never Google Heartbreak from Amazon here


The Shining Girls by Lauren Beukes


Murderer Harper stumbles across a Tardis-like house, enabling him to time-travel and visit female victims at various life stages, leaving clues behind him. The best bit? Our impeccably smart heroine, Kirby. Will she catch him?


Buy The Shining Girls from Amazon here


This is What Happy Looks Like by Jennifer E. Smith


Teen actor Graham accidently sends Ellie a random email. Luckily for him she replies. But she doesn’t know he’s famous and, well, he doesn’t know about her family! What will happen when they meet?


Buy This is What Happy Looks Like from Amazon here


The Boy Under The Table by Nicole Trope


Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.


Who can resist Mr Darcy?


Buy Pride and Prejudice from Amazon here


Chipatti or Chips? by Nisha Mihnas


Buy Chipati or Chips? from Amazon here


Ms Dalloway by Virginia Woolf


Buy Ms Dalloway from Amazon here


Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins


Buy Catching Fire from Amazon here


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