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It's National Bring Your Dog To Work Day!

Introducing National Bring Your Dog to Work Day! Yep, today, Friday 26th June, is officially the best day of the year when your pup can sit alongside you, stare at the screen, bash away at the keyboard and pretend to work like we do everyday. Lol, of course we actually do real work…

Our friends over at Pets Pyjamas have found out that people who interact with a pet while working have lower stress levels throughout the day, while people who do not bring a pet see their stress levels increase over time.

“In a high pressured environment it can be really therapeutic to engage with a  kind and sensitive dog. It puts everything in perspective. I find when I need to clear my head, I have a short cuddle with my dog and feel instantly refreshed,” agrees CEO Gracia Amico.

Dogs in the office also lead to people taking more breaks, to play with or walk the dog, which makes them more energized when they return to work. This, in turn, has been shown to lead to much greater job satisfaction and productivity. So basically, having a dog in the office is THE best idea. Now go tell your boss...

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