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16 Things All Antisocial People Understand

Getting out of the house and hanging out with your besties at the beach or going to see a film can totally be a blast. But for some of us, spending the weekend at home, alone, reading or scrolling Tumblr, sounds like waaaaaay more fun than hitting up a huge party. It's not that you don't love your friends and enjoy their company — it's just that socialising, especially with a load of random people you don't really know that well, takes a lot out of you and most of the time, you'd just rather being chilling at home. Unfortunately, not everyone gets that, and the struggle can be real.

1. Going out with friends because you want to want to be social, and then regretting it 20 minutes later. You have to juggle so many different conversations and maintain eye contact and stuff, and make stupid, awkward conversation with some random friend of a friend because you can't find your BFFs. Ugh, socialising is so much work.

2. Hiding in your room when your siblings or parents have guests over. What if they want to talk to you? You can't even deal.


3. Barely anything makes you cry in real life. But watching Jack sink at the end of Titanic gets you every. single. time. 


5. Telling your friends you have to do something with the fam this weekend when you're really just planning to spend the weekend at home in bed watching Netflix. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

6. The only thing you hate more than small talk is... Actually, there's nothing you hate more than small talk.


8. Secretly celebrating when your friends cancel plans. Especially when you'd much rather spend the weekend reading the latest YA trilogy.

9. Seeing someone you sort-of know in town and hoping they don't see you. You just want to shop alone in peace. There's nothing wrong with that.

10. Your headphones are your best friend. They're perfect when you're not in the mood to talk about whatever the people around you are going on about. Sorry, I can't heeeeear you!


12.You love sunglasses. They let you people-watch without having to interact with them or explain why you're staring.

14. Asking yourself: Is everyone annoying, or am I just judgmental?

15. You love your bed more than you love most people. Your pillows just get you, you know?

16. Your friends have to force you to go out with them. And even though it's painful, most of the time you end up thanking them for it. Because when you do find one or two friends who totally understand and are cool with your antisocial ways (but knows when it's time to push you out of your comfort zone), you cherish them for life!


Article originally from

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