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Salmontini - The Ultimate Sushi & Style Venue

Sometimes, you just want one venue that can do it all - cocktails, a long, relaxed dinner, a cool DJ and um.. more cocktails. Luckily, we've just discovered Belgravia's new hotspot Salmontini, and it ticks every box - and then some.

Taking up the ground and lower ground floor of number 1 Pont Street, near the chic areas of Knightsbridge and Sloane Square, is open 7 days a week for both lunch and dinner, (and sunday brunch, which is out of this world), Salmontini covers all bases, you could head there on a date night, for drinks with the girls or as a speical celebration.

With another Salmontini open in Dubai, co-owner and managing director Jason Bassili, has taken the Salmontini Le Resto concept and fine tuned it for London audiences - to massive success. The ground floor encompasses a casual and comfortable bar and lounge area, alongside the main restaurant, while the lower ground floor houses a stunning Private Dining Room, where you and 25 of your mates could potentially have the best night EVER!

But while the venue itself is stunning, let's talk about the food - which was so good we could probably ramble on about it for hours. As the restaurant name suggests, salmon features heavily on the menu, from their signature crispy salmon salad starter to the insanely good sashimi and sushi. We recommend starting with sushi and moving on to what we had, purely becasue it was totally delicious, but we're pretty certain that whatever you order would be great. 

We gorged ourselves on the grilled tiger prawns (served butterfly, thankfully. we don't like to ruin our manis shelling prawns haha!) in a yuzu glaze, and wild Chilean sea bass served with samphire (YUM), and to top it all off, we had a melting chocolate pudding to share (also highly recommended).

And we haven't even discussed the drinks... Salmontini Le Resto has an exciting and comprehensive wine list, overseen by a team of experienced sommeliers, while its mixologists have created a cocktail collection featuring a new take on classics together with house specialties. 

We could go on raving about it, but you need to experience it for yourself - next birthday or treat dinner you're having in London? Have it at Salmontini.

1 Pont Street, Belgravia, London Sw1X 9EJ, or visit

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