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Kettners: The Chic London Institution You HAVE to Visit

Kettner’s really is a London 'must-visit'. It's survived four kings and a queen, the blitz, several booms (and more than a few busts) and is an integral part of the vibrant, glamorous and debauched Soho we know and love today.

Originally a series of four Georgian town houses, Kettner’s was originally opened as a restaurant in 1867 by Auguste Kettner, (chef to Napoleon III,) and became infamous as the rendezvous of choice for the it-girls and guys of the time - renowned for hosting rather risqué parties. Oscar Wilde dined here and Kettner’s is mentioned as his venue of choice in his trial notes. Agatha Christie and Bing Crosby were also celebrated regulars.. so if you book a table here, you're in VERY good company.

The menu is chic, but actually very reasonable, with the most expensive dish being a Grilled whole Lobster at £32.50 - which we obviously had to try (and it was perfection, served with fries... we're all about the hi/lo mix, people), but not before trying the Dorset crab on toast and the soup of the day to start (both excellent). 

What we loved the most though, was the real mix of diners in Kettner's enjoying themselves - pre-theatre goers (they do a great set menu for a great price), to girls nights out to after-work drinks - there's something for everybody there, and everyone is made to feel welcome. Make a reservation now.


Book a table online or call us on 020 7734 6112 or email

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