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COMPANY Loves: BB Bakery's Afternoon Tea Bus Tour

Looking for a London activity with a bit of a twist this summer? Look no further than BB Bakery's Afternoon Tea Bus Tour!

Yep, as the name suggests, Covent Garden's super-stylish BB Bakery have taken over a bus - a gorge retro 60s one to be precise - and kitted it out with tables and chairs to host Afternoon Teas on. Isn't it a beaut?!

The bus cruises around London while the staff serve you tea and endless baked goodies - from sarnies to quiches to brownies and of course the Afternoon Tea staple, scones!

As we're such willing guinea pigs, Team Company headed along to check it out and can tell you the food is HEAVENLY. You even get a box at the end to put in anything you can't eat - and trust us, even the most sweet-toothed of you will struggle to eat all of the delicious treats on offer.


The bus starts by the London Eye and does a circuit of all of the City's top spots including Big Ben, Buckingham Palace and Trafalgar Square. The tour isn't 'educational' like most London bus tours, so you can get on with chatting with your chums whilst taking in the pretty sights. In between Instagramming Macaroons, of course.

We reckon this might be the most fun you can possibly have on a bus!

BB Bakery do two tours a day, and tickets cost £45. Get booking!

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