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*EXCLUSIVE* Pia Mia Chats Music And All Things Missguided

2015 is set to be Pia Mia’s year. Let us count the reasons why… she’s an incredibly talented singer (her new single with Chris Brown and Tyga is going to be a summer smash), is an Instagram queen, has a girl squad that includes Kendall, Kylie and Gigi and has the most enviable hair ever. #Goals

On the launch day of her new collab with our mates over at Missguided, we caught up with Pia to chat all things fashion, music and emoji’s…

I feel really honored to be the girl that Missguided chose…

It’s the perfect fit! I’ve been wearing Missguided for a while and I’ve been obsessed with their brand and all the pieces they have on the site. When they came to me and said they wanted to do a campaign with me, I was super excited and I felt really honored. I try to do everything that is very true to me so finding a brand that fits perfectly was special.

I can’t wait for the campaign to go live, I’m super excited for everyone to see it - I know everyone’s going to love it!

There was actually a crazy windstorm when were shooting the campaign!

But it was really fun. We shot the campaign in Palm Springs while I was at Coachella and I was out there with my best friends and my mum, and my sister came out and we all got to be on the shoot together.

We got to shoot at Salvation Mountain and I have always wanted to visit so, I got to see a new place.

I don’t really have a go-to look or style

Instead, I find pieces that I’m obsessed with at the moment and I build outfits around those pieces. I just think find a piece you love, build around it, and change it up.

Right now I’m into these suede crop tops that Missguided have on site, I’ve been wearing those a lot, and their cute crops, that’s the kind of stuff on the site that I’m dying for right now.

If people are sending hate just ignore it, or send them love back

Normally, if you send love back, they’ll be cool back to you. I’m all about love; love only and stay positive. Don’t let negativity bring you down.

Fashion and music go hand in hand...

I like to express myself any way that I can and I think music and fashion are the two main ways that I do that. You can really do anything in fashion - there are so many different styles, so many different pieces you can style. You can create so much with fashion and I think Michael Jackson proved that to be fully true. I definitely think fashion is a huge part of music and music is…. Everything!

I have a ton of friends that have really cute closets

I borrow from my sister’s too! But you’re fully allowed to steal stuff from your sisters…

I spend a lot of time taking care of my hair

I don’t go to sleep with just-out-of-the-shower hair, I usually braid it or sleep with it in a style, because if you just sleep with it normally, well at least with my hair, it will get really tangled. I just pay attention to my hair and don’t put too much heat on it, I’m very careful with it!

Johnson and Johnson baby shampoo is my lifetime beauty product

But for the summer, I’ve just got this really cute Smashbox eye shadow palette. It has shimmery gold’s and shimmery white-cream tones and then the matte versions also, so you can achieve so many different looks with the product.

A good selfie is important…

But you don’t want to post too many. I use all of my social platforms to share my life with my fans, but I would say to keep your feed true to you and use it to express yourself.

I just dropped my single ‘Do It Again’ featuring Chris Brown and Tyga.

This record is so special to me and I feel it represents me perfectly as an artist. I’m from the island of Guam and keeping the island vibe in my music is really important to me and I think that this single does that. I also love Chris Brown and Tyga and I’ve always wanted to work with them, being able to do a song with them that they genuinely wanted to get on and loved was so special for me. So I’m very excited for that!

I need to mix it up when it comes to emojis

I need to explore what’s out there! I always use the red eye heart-face or the tongue, and I love the angel! They don’t have a butterfly emoji though, what is with that?

I started singing when I was 8

I would do humanitarian tours with my school and we would raise money, performing and singing to help change peoples lives and help people in need. Music was what I was meant to do. I just don’t know anything else.

The new collaboration hails the launch of the new Babes of Missguided initiative, a celebration of diverse, talented and empowered women within fashion, music and photography. Find out more about the babes here

Missguided x Pia Mia is online now at

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