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Best Awards Ceremony Beef Of All Time

There was that time Bono dodged an awkward kiss/hug moment from old P.Diddy at the 2014 Golden Globes. Let’s be honest, we’ve ALL had that moment before. Were they going for a handshake? We thought hug, then somehow it ended up in a kiss. Painfully awks.

Courtney Love was totally wasted and crashed Madonna’s interview at 1995 VMA's. Don’t worry Court, we would have crashed it sober if we got to meet Madge.

The time Julia Louis-Dreyfus was too cool for Reese Witherspoon at 2014's Golden Globes. No time for selfies Reece, she’s busy being fabulous.

Following Shia Labeouf announcing his retirement after a series of strange events (is this the next child star to have a short and sudden breakdown..?) , Jim Carrey opened with a joke at the Golden Globes 2014: "Dying is easy, comedy is hard. I believe it was Shia Lebeouf who said that." This led to a heated Twitter Feud where Shia went on to attack Carey’s fathering skills, which he later deleted. Ouch.

Miley Cyrus pulled THIS face after announcing Justin Bieber’s Young Artist of the Year award at the Billboard Awards ’13. Following this announcement, he was greeted by a series of boo’s, so it looks like she wasn’t the only one with Bieber beef...

We can’t forget Rebel Wilson’s charming comment about the band name ‘One Direction’…

The Smith family reaction to Gaga’s performance at the 2013 VMA’s - they later announced that Will and Willow were just chewing gum. Yeah, we believe you guys...

The time Noel Gallagher attacked William Hague for being at the 2013 GQ Awards when there was so much else he could be doing…

But I think it’s safe to say that Queen of Awards Beef is without a doubt, Taylor Swift. Let’s count down her best moments. There was her reaction to Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber sharing a moment together...

 …Her reaction to ex boyfriend Harry Styles as he presented an award at the VMA’s…


Her reaction to Justin Bieber’s Billboard win wasn’t looking great when she refused to answer a question about how she felt about it…

And finally, (obviously) her top moment has got to be when Kanye jumped up during her first ever award win and announced it should have gone to Beyonce.

Kanye, we're gonna let you finish but Taylor has the best awards beef OF ALL TIME!

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