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Eek! Zayn Malik Loses Thousands Of Twitter Followers


This week, everyone’s been talking about the whole Zayn/Louis Twitter fight, which is the social spat that keeps on giving.

This war of words happened earlier, and now, after Zayn struck out and Tweeted his former bandmate staying, "Remember when you had a life and stopped making bitchy comments about mine?" Zayn faced judgement by the 1D army that presides over Twitter.

And how did they find Zayn? Guilty. So pissed off were the 1D community, that a pretty hefty 90,000 and counting former fans unfollowed him on Twitter. Wowza. He then took to the social media site to defend himself saying, "Don't know why I'm being attacked for defending myself, people got it twisted! I love my fans?! Every single one of you x"  but the unfollows keep coming. Eek, could this week get any worse for Zayn?

Oh yeah, remember the time he lost 50 k followers overnight? See below...


And the Zayn leaving 1D furore continues, after Naughty Boy, the UK producer, tweeted a link to a demo called "I Won't Mind" on Soundcloud. A demo that he produced with the ex One Directioner who left the band citing that he just wanted to be a ‘normal 22-year-old’…

He posted the link on Tuesday, captioning the tweet: “Let the music do the talking”, but it turns out Twitter, which is apparently run by One Direction fans, weren’t having any of it and gave Zayn and Naughty Boy so much grief that the link was taken down, with Zayn losing 50k Twitter followers over night (though he’s still got 14.6 million, so erm, he’s not doing too badly).

READ MORE: Is ANOTHER One Direction memeber leaving to go to Hollywood?!

Louis Tomlinson weighed in accusing Naughty Boy of being "inconsiderate" to 1D fans after the Naughty one took to Twitter bragging about working with Zayn, tweeting ‘Wow @NaughtyBoyMusic you're so inconsiderate pal, seriously how f****** old are you ? Grow up! #masterofallwisdom.'

READ MORE: Here's what else is happening with Zayn's solo career...

But a rep for Naughty Boy has since told The Daily Mail that the pair wrote and demoed the song as a contender for One Directions album last year. So that’s that then. Or is it? We doubt this is going to get cleared up anytime soon.

P.S. We don’t think we’ve ever written the word ‘naughty’ as much as this EVER. Naughty naughty…


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