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Why We're Loving the Warehouse 'Women to Watch' Initiative

As part of the Warehouse Women to Watch campaign, one of our fave high street stores have reached out to some of the UK’s brightest rising stars from across the creative industries, from fashion techs and florists to musicians and movie-makers. They will be working alongside a network of female mentors, specially selected by Warehouse, who are all strong successful women and experts in their own fields.

With the likes of broadcasting royalty Edith Bowman and MOBO founder Kanya King in the mix, these super in-the-know mentors will give the talent everything they need to take their career game to the next level.

The end result? A fabulous collaboration with us and scores of money-can’t-buy insider knowledge from the very best to be shared exclusively with Warehouse customers.

So, just who are our 2015 Women to Watch? With a broadcasting career that has already spanned 20 years, Edith Bowman will be sharing her wisdom with emerging presenter Lilah Parsons, a face of MTV and firm fashion favourite.

Mega fashion journalists Melanie Rickey and Jessie Brinton will be teaming up with illustrative newcomer Lo Parkin and set designer Clementine Keith-Roach whilst Cassandra Stavrou, Co-Founder of Propercorn, will tell bicycle-lover-cum-florist Florence Kennedy how to succeed in business.

Having launched both the MOBOS and the careers of high-profile urban artists, who better than Kanya King MBE to pair with emerging singer/songwriter Becky Hill whilst who else but Head of Google Campus, Sarah Drinkwater, to take on young tech entrepreneur Chloe Watt.

When it comes to film, no one does it better than Amanda Nevill, CEO of the British Film Institute, who will be taking emerging film-maker Mollie Mills to where she needs to be. Topping off our incredible roster of super women, Abi Harris, Talent Producer extraordinaire, will be the perfect partner to Charlotte Haddon, a photographer already cropping up on the industry radar.

At an exclusive dinner attended by our chosen women, Warehouse kickstarted the programme. Meeting for the first time, the mentors began to guide and advise their bright sparks, giving them the tools they need to write their very own career story. In turn, Warehouse will showcase their individual talents and give them a platform to shine, allowing you to follow their journey along the way.

Find out more at #WOMENTOWATCH

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