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CAREERS: What it's Like To Be a Womenswear Designer

How much do you think the fashion industry changed over the past 5 years, and how?  It has changed dramatically over the last years / decade. I remember not so long ago as a designer you always had some natural off season breaks in-between the collections but now it is just one never ending process, pre collections and holiday collections gain in importance and blend into the main seasons so the pace has gone up to max! :-)

But I think the biggest thing that has changed in the fashion industry is the way we look at fashion, collections, garments, fashion shows and ultimately how we consume fashion. With the arrival of the internet and social media things have become instant, you can look at the runway shows live online and it is there for the whole world to see and participate in. Before fashion was more or less a bit of a secret event for a select elite but it has become a global phenomenon.

How important are fashion bloggers to the J. Lindeberg brand?  I think it is important for any modern fashion brand / company to embrace all kinds of media channels both traditional and modern and bloggers play a vital role in this process.

Is there a particular muse/woman you have in mind when designing? Every collection has its own muse for the season. With the AW15 collection Visions of Space I looked at the lead characters from some of the most iconic Sci Fi movies like: Sigourney Weaver in Alien, Daryl Hannah and Sean Young in Blade runner. What all of these women have in common is that they are all powerful and strong women and the J.Lindeberg woman is definitely strong and independent, she stands in life with a carefree attitude and likes to have fun with fashion. 

What advice would you give to young aspiring designer?  Work hard, work hard, work hard, work hard, its the only way…! 

What do you love most about the UK and London? The eclectic mix of all kind of styles. It truly is a melting pot of all inspirations of life.

Describe the perfect timeless outfit. Constructing a perfect outfit is much like cooking. For the perfect taste things have to be in balance, it has to talk to all your taste buds, sweet, salt, bitter and sour. When  it comes to an outfit I believe the balance is as important, the outfit has to contain something hard, something soft, something feminine and a touch of masculinity. This can translate into many outfits obviously but for me a women can never go wrong with: a cool leather jacket, sloppy T-shirt, a pair of menswear inspired cropped dress pants and a good sexy heel. 

Shop J.Lindeberg's current offering available at Harvey Nichols now


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